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Paper Abstract

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is that burnt plastic smell?
    That is the smell of conductor insulation burning. it means you have too much power traveling through too small of a conductor. Too many loads on one circuit can overheat the wires and start a fire.
  • Why did when this outlet stop working every other outlet in the same room stop working also?
    Circuit overload occurs when more amperage flows through an electric wire or circuit than it can handle. This may happen if you connect malfunctioning or defective appliances. Loose, corroded wires or connections may also be to blame. Once the GFCI outlet senses an overload, it trips or "breaks" the circuit which kills any other outlet that was connected to it.
  • Explain the principles on which a circuit breaker works?
    A circuit breaker acts as a switch, which can be used to directly cut off the flow of current. The protective layers (indicators) indicate breakage of the circuit, due to overloading or other issues, which then pre – empts the circuit from breaking.
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